Let's start with the bad news first...get it out of the way. I had mentioned in my last post, that I had taken Kayden to the doctor because her eye was draining and it turned out that she had an eye cold. So we treated that and it seemed to get better, but then she came down with massive congestion, coughing, sneezing, etc. So I took her back to the doctor last week on Thursday and her pediatrician said that she had a cold. Let me just say, that it is so traumatizing for the Mommy and Daddy to see their baby girl have a cold. She was completely blocked up and couldn't breathe out of her nose. This makes it extremely hard on babies, because they haven't mastered breathing out of their mouths yet. She had a very hard time eating and sleeping, both of which required her to breathe out of her nose. So it's now 6 days later, and she is still congested, but nowhere near the extent to what she was. I'm not having to use the "booger sucker" near as much, and last night was the first night that she was able to go to sleep sucking her fingers while breathing out of her nose at the same time and go the whole night without having to have her nose cleaned out. :) Ah the triumphs of being a Mommy!
So there's the first bad news - the dreaded cold. But there's more. But you'll have to wait, because I need to tell you the good news first.
The good news is, that since Kayden started drinking straight formula, about a week and a half ago or so, she has been sleeping so much better! The most that she's woken up at night is 3 times, which is down from 5-10 a night. And before, when she'd wake up so many times at night, she'd just scream, and I knew that something was wrong. Now when she wakes up, it's because she's hungry or can't get back to sleep, and just needs Mommy. I will happily go and feed that child or rock her twice a night rather than 10 times! :) I am beyond thrilled that this formula seems to be helping her sleep. I really think it was the dairy in my breast milk that was giving her a tummy ache. Poor baby. But at least it seems we've figured it now and hopefully she'll continue to sleep better and better. I am so proud of her!
Now for the second part of the bad news. I cannot sleep.....EVER! I have tried what seems like everything. I have been to see my doctor twice in the past 2 weeks for sleeping problems. I have such a hard time going to sleep, and then once I finally get there, Kayden usually wakes up and then I am wide awake again. It's a terrible cycle. So I've been extremely frustrated now that Kayden is finally sleeping, Mommy still can't! I am planning on calling the doctor again today and seeing what another option is. So I'll keep everyone updated, but for now, Kayden is sleeping better, but Mommy is not! :(
Um, let's see. Since the last time I posted, we haven't really done much since Kayden (and I) have been sick. We've just tried to lay low for a little while until it all blows over. We did get to visit with our Italian cousins yesterday for a little bit, who are in from Italy visiting for a month or so. It was neat for Kayden to meet her cousins for the first time, and they had fun playing together!
We are planning to go up and see my dad not this coming weekend, but the next, so hopefully we'll all be well and SLEEPING by then! :)
I guess that's all for now. I jsut wanted to post this quick update while Kayden was napping....she's not a big sleeper during the day, so I have to get what I need to when I can! :)
Until next time....
YAY KAYDEN!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting. I'm glad she's got her food dramas behind her. Now if we can just get mommy and baby unsick and mommy sleeping again.... life will be great! :) I will continue to pray for you lovely ladies... Love yall!