It was crazy to go back and look at the last post that I made! I posted just as Kayden was beginning to walk on her own...almost 4 months ago!!! I cannot believe she has been walking that long already! It's so crazy how fast time flies, especially with a little one. She's not so little anymore! :(
Kayden is 13 months and a few days old and is "Little Miss Personality!" She talks up a storm! I was thinking about making a list of all the words she knows and says all day long to put in the baby book. She probably has a vocabulary of about 30 words or so. You can ask her to point to something or ask her what something is and she'll tell you. We teach her a couple new words everyday and she seriously can say them or point to or go get what we ask her the next day. Such a brilliant child! :)
She still LOVES to read and brings Mommy books all the time to read to her. We even read in the bath tub! She has become my big helper around the house! I am loving it, because I can ask her to go pick up the cracker or apple she just spit out all over the floor and bring it to Mommy, or close the doors, or pick up her toys and she is more than happy to do it! Sh loves to help out! If the phone rings, or a timer goes off in the kitchen, she's running saying, "phone Mommy!!" Too cute!
We have had a whirlwind the past few months. Seems like it all flew by so fast, I can't even remember all that happened. Since the last post, which was forever ago, Kayden got to trick or treat as a ladybug for Halloween and I must say, she was super cute! :)
At the end of November, I was admitted to the hospital with double pneumonia and stayed for 4 days. It was horrible and terrible, but it's over and hopefully it will never happen again. The absolute worst part was being away from my baby girl. She did so good though, but wouldn't let go of me when I got home for about a week! :) We missed each other terribly!
Resting and Recuperating
Kayden got to experience her first Thanksgiving, which we celebrated at Bebe and Papa's house. We visited a pumpkin patch, and "pumpkin" quickly became Kayden's favorite word! :)
We were suppose to go up to Ponder to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family this year, but with me just being released from the hospital, I had to stay close to home. We had a great time and filled our bellies! :)
The Christmas holidays were a blast! They were very busy as always, but we had a lot of fun! Last year, Kayden was only about a week old at Christmas, but this year she got to open presents and Santa came to visit her and it was just all around, a great time! We went and looked at lots of Christmas lights around town, and Kayden just kept saying, "wow!"

We did Christmas Eve at Nick's parents like always, and Kayden made out like a bandit! She had a lot of fun opening up all her presents, but she really enjoyed playing with all the bows and boxes best! On Christmas day, we went to my Grandparents house, where my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Mom, Sister, etc. were and celebrated there for the day. It was fabulous. We stuffed ourselves (I've never seen so much food) and spent great time talking and being silly. The next day, we left early in the morning and traveled up to the Fort Worth area to stay with my Dad and his wife and visit with my brother, sister in law and nephew. We stayed there for two days before coming home to REST!!!!
Kayden opeing her gifts from Santa
We still haven't found homes for all of Kayden's new toys and clothes as our house isn't big enough to house it all! :) So for now, we're just storing most of it in buckets in our living room!
Kayden has almost all of her teeth now, including four of her back molars, two on the top and bottom. It has been torture for all of us while she's ben cutting them! She was doing such a great job sleeping through the night up until about 2 or 3 weeks ago, when those molars were breaking through the skin. I know that some babies aren't even phased when they cut a tooth, but my child just screams at night and wants to be held during the day! It makes it very tough, but at least she's almost done cutting them! I've never seen a 13 month old with so many teeth!! I think she only has two more left to cut! Goodness!

Our biggest challenge right now (even more so than the not sleeping and teething) would have to be eating. Kayden's always battled eating solids, but now she's just soooooo picky. Everyday is different in what she'll eat. Some days she can't enough of something, and the next day, she acts like it's disgusting and how dare I feed it to her!! haha! So everyday is a guessing game and spent just trying to find something she'll eat. She is completely off of formula and on whole milk, so she is starting to eat more, because her appetite has increased. She is also completely off of the bottle and onto a sippy cup. It really wasn't that hard to transition her. She did resist, of course, but it only took a couple days.
We celebrated Kayden's 1st birthday in December. We had a ladybug themed birthday party and Kayden had a lof of fun! We had mostly family here, but a few friends too.
kayden ran around and loved being the center of attention! :)
Happy Birthday to Me
She is still in love with Yo Gabba Gabba, her favorite tv show. It is even part of our bedtime routine in the evenings! haha! She has just about every Yo Gabba Gabba toy made and knows all of the characters by name! She claps along with the songs and interacts with all of the shows. It's really funny to watch.
She is in the process of transitioning to one nap a day, but is not quite there yet. She's definitely getting there though.
She got a wagon for her birthday and absolutely loves to go for rides in it around the neighborhood. She also loves to go to the park and swing and play in the rocks. Since the weather has been so nice recently, we've been doing a lot of that!
We haven't had many playdates lately, because it seems like one of us is always sick! We are all finally well as of this week, and we're gonna try and stay that way for awhile!
Kayden is stacking blocks, playing hide and go seek, peekaboo, chasing the dogs, coloring, and plays very well independently. She loves to go outside and watch the neighbor kids run around and the cars go by. She calls all kids "baby," even teenagers! It's so funny! She is calling me, "Mommy" all the time now, but sometimes gets it backwards and calls me, "Memaw!" haha! I love it!
"playing" with Moe
I'm trying to think if there's anything else, and I'm sure there is, but now that Kayden's awake from her nap, I'm very distracted! If you are reading this and would like for me to keep this thing updated, please let me know. Otherwise I will probably just stop blogging if there's no one really keeping up with it!
Until next time....